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Travelpay Card is an online software that allows you to manage payments within a tourist facility in full autonomy, allowing you to have only one station with tax recorder, releasing the various Bars Restaurants Market,
which will use the internal card for the release of goods and services.
(avoiding the cash circle at the various refreshment points)
Over the years, we have achieved a very important milestone for our customers:
A fine stagione avrete un +20% di incassi, dovuto all'impossibilità di errori o distrazioni da parte degli addetti alle casse (dato fornito dai nostri clienti operativi)
Nessuna intermediazione di banche quindi nessuna commissione. Tutto viene gestito dal Software Travelpay senza intermediari
Evita file e la necessità di avere sempre monete di tutti i tagli per il resto.
Nessuna chiusura cassa a fine giornata, tutto viene riassunto e contabilizzato con un semplice click
La Card può essere utilizzata per fidelizzare il Cliente con Promozioni o Sconti.
Grazie ad un accordo con le migliori compagnie di navigazione, il cliente che riceve la Card ottiene 500 euro di Sconto, a fronte di 2/3 euro di costo di attivazione
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It does not force the customer to walk around with money at the beach or during relaxation hours. Avoids the problem of change and coins as change
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It will be easier and safer to send the children to the café for shopping and everything will be under control via a dedicated APP
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By avoiding the currency circle, there will be no possibility of theft or loss of money.
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Avoids queues and the need to always have coins of all denominations for change.
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No cash closing at the end of the day, everything is summarised and accounted for with a simple click
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No cash closing at the end of the day, everything is summarised and accounted for with a simple click
All points of sale will be equipped with a touch screen PC connected to the WI-FI or ETH network. Points can also be located over long distances, it is important that they are covered by the Internet Network,
either Ethernet or WI-FI

No Software will be installed inside the Facility
but everything will be managed on external Servers.
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When the customer arrives, one can choose whether to give a pre-paid CARD or a CARD with Debit.
              We see the most suitable solution
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In the case of the Promotion CARD, the customer is given an empty card and is charged every time he makes a purchase.
Advantage: the customer spends more because he/she does not have to recharge (same criterion as for Credit Cards). No tax receipt, everything is accounted for on departure.
Disadvantage: more time is lost on the day of departure to make collections
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In the case of the pre-paid CARD, the customer will make an initial top-up, and each time he or she spends within the facility, the amount is deducted until it is used up.
Advantage: the amount is cashed first and outstanding payments are avoided. No tax receipt, everything is accounted for on departure.
Disadvantage: the customer spends less, especially on the day before departure.
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For Staff and Animation there is the possibility of applying a discount on products, even partially. For example, a 30% discount can be applied, excluding certain products with little margin (such as ice cream and tobacco).
The system automatically recognises the discount on the Card and applies it to the total.
La Card può essere utilizzata per fidelizzare il Cliente con Promozioni o Sconti. La fidelizzazione del cliente è la capacità di un'azienda di trasformare i clienti in acquirenti abituali e fare in modo che non vadano dalla concorrenza. Un cliente fedele è soddisfatto dei tuoi prodotti e servizi e parlerà bene di te. Acquisire nuovi clienti ha un costo molto più elevato che mantenere quelli già acquisiti!
Programmi a Punti, Sconti e Premi sono sicuramente efficaci strumenti di fidelizzazione del cliente ma serve anche esaminare il customer journey per rispondere il modo più puntuale alle esigenze dei clienti e quindi soddisfarli al meglio.
Ormai questi sistemi sono super utilizzati dalle Aziende e a volte non vengono ben considerati dai clienti per il questi motivi:
Premi e Punti : l’obiettivo del Premio troppo distante e difficile da raggiungere

Sconti : il più delle volte vengono applicati a tutti, quindi considerati non un benefit legato alla fedeltà
CashBack: Una valida alternativa ai classici sistemi di fidelizzazione è il CASH BACK

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Oltre che essere innovativo ha una duplice finalità:
a) Incentivare i Consumi: maggiore sono gli acquisti, maggiore è la somma risparmiata.
b) Fidelizzare il cliente che potrà utilizzare la somma di denaro accumulato solo nella struttura turistica che l’ha rilasciato.

1) La famiglia Rossi acquista una vacanza nel mese di Luglio per un importo pari a 1.500
2) Se la struttura, ad esempio, riconosce un cashback del 10% la famiglia Rossi riceverà l’importo di
150 € sulla propria Card
3) La famiglia Rossi acquista una vacanza nel mese di Gennaio per un importo pari a
1.200,00 pagherà la vacanza 1.050,00 ed accumulerà un cashback di 105 €

The PCs or Tablets will be provided according to the needs of each individual facility, with the size of the screen related to the type of work to be done. They will be delivered at the beginning of the season on loan for use. The supply is completed by a BarCode/QrCode reader and a non-fiscal thermal printer, also on free loan for use.
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14 inch POS ALL IN
Doppio Display
Stampante non Fiscale
Lettore Barcode/QrCode
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14 inch POS ALL IN
da Tavolo
Stampante non Fiscale
Lettore esterno
Online ASSISTANCE and Technical Intervention

24-hour online assistance with our technicians and on-site intervention in case of need is guaranteed throughout the season.
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It will be possible to view the Virtual Card from the customer's mobile phone once the Travelpay APP has been downloaded.
With each transaction, the customer will receive a push notification with details of the products purchased and the Card balance.
He will also be able to view the statement of expenses and recharges made during the stay
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Each time a new Card is activated to a Facility's Customer, he/she will receive 500 €uroCredits as a welcome to the MULTIBUY Circuit.
The €uroCredits can be used to get discounts on the multibuyshop.com e-commerce or for a discount on Low Season Cruises (when the facility is closed) with the Best Shipping Companies
An example of zero cost for the facility

no. 3 locations with 2000 cards: total cost € 3,500
2000 cards at 2€ = takings 4,000 € (+500 € for the structure)
n. 2000 cards at 3€ = takings 6,000 € (+2,500 € for the structure)

In addition, everything is invoiced as a Capital Good, 100% deductible as a Cost.
Is there a single reason why you should not adopt Travelpay Electronic Payment in your establishment?
- If the answer is NO, as we imagine it is, please fill in the enquiry form below and one of our consultants will first send you a Cost Estimate and then visit you to work out all the details.
- If the answer is YES, we ask you to help us understand why by filling out the form anyway and in the Free Text box indicating what did not convince you and whether or not you would like to be contacted by one of our Consultants
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12 mesi
Stagione Estiva
Stagione Invernale
He leìdo y acepto la Política de Privacidad
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Multibuy Group by Namiro Solution Kft   
Nagymezö Utca 18.2 emelet. ajtó 9/A 1065 Budapest